Channeling Keith


“Music is a necessity. After food, air, water and warmth, music is the next necessity of life.” – Keith Richards

38 thoughts on “Channeling Keith

    • Hi Paula, this is not actually Keith Richards but someone who certainly looks like him thus my title “Channeling Keith”. Actually to me he looks a little like Iggy Pop too but nonetheless he certainly thought he was a star. As always, it’s very nice to have you come by and comment 🙂

  1. Dapper!!
    I was here y’day too, on your blog, scrolling up n’ down, adoring moments you so rarely share! Hm..
    And I was wondering that I need to literally follow you….lol

    • I know it’s a big problem for me, I need to post and share much more often. I know it’s an excuse and a lame one but my life is just so hectic I don’t focus enough on my work and as you know I’m sooooo very picky with my work it stops me from posting more. I’m so glad you are around when I do post my friend. Have a good night.

  2. Wow ! Your portraits are all amazing. I’m often disappointed when I see professional phtotographies of people but yours are soulful and beautiful with an exceptional work on details, light and framing. A truly excellent eye !!!

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